We have a friendly team of locally based tutors across the group area. All of our tutors deliver a consistent standard of training using their own individual styles built around the central principles of Police Riders Handbook “Motorcycle Roadcraft”. We provide training based upon an individuals needs that will prepare them for their RoSPA Advanced Test; the highest test standard available to civilian motorcyclists in the UK.
Unlike many other groups we are also able to offer access to the DVSA Enhanced Rider Scheme with our Registered DVSA Trainer. This is a further option to riders who may not wish to take their advanced rider test but simply want to have a “Check Ride”.
The training provided will improve your riding, observations and motorcycle handling skills. This will enhance your enjoyment of riding your motorcycle and meet the needs of riding on today’s roads.
You will become an ambassador for road safety. “Be the best rider you can be”.
The cost of motoring could well come down with more ecological and economical riding, with better vehicle sympathy resulting in less servicing costs.
Your qualification may have an added bonus resulting in lower insurance premiums with participating insurance providers.
If you have come as far as finding this website then you are half way there!
Why not come join us and learn to ride with new skills!
What is RoADAR?
RoADAR is the RoSPA Advanced Drivers And Riders section of RoSPA, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. RoSPA, a charity, is one of the foremost safety advisory and training organisations in the world. RoADAR operates in a very practical style by creating local Groups of volunteers, all of whom have passed the RoSPA Advanced Test and have been trained to pass on their knowledge to others. They offer tutoring, support and advice to anyone who wants to improve their riding and to pass the RoSPA Advanced Test, many on a one to one basis where you remain with the same Tutor throughout. Groups often work closely with police advanced riders and instructors, DVSA to ensure that the standards outlined in “Motorcycle Roadcraft, The Police Riders Handbook” are maintained at all times.
Before taking the test you should study the current editions of The Highway Code and Roadcraft. Without a good knowledge of both you are unlikely to obtain a high grade.
You would be unwise to apply for an advanced test unless you have had some additional training since passing your L-test.