Advanced Rider Training

Training with us

We offer advanced motorcycle training in North Cumbria and South West Scotland; an overview of the training courses is below.

Rider Training

Motorcycle Training is delivered by members of the group who have attained a Gold grade and undergone a Tutor qualification course.

As a new associate you will undertake an assessment ride with an approved tutor/examiner to assess your level – strengths, areas for development for example.  

You will be allocated with a personal development training log and allocated a Tutor.  It will be up to you and your tutor to arrange mutually suitable times to carry out tuition.

The Group advises rider to purchase both a copy of the Police Riders Handbook RoadCraft and Highway Code, this will be the reference material referred to during tuition – you will get homework! Many of our members opt to purchase their own personal copies for future reference when preparing for the triennial retest.

Once your tutor feels you are ready for test you will be offered the opportunity to have an independent ‘pre-test assessment’ by one of our advanced tutors which should give a good indication of your current level, and likely projected grade (Gold / Silver / Bronze) at test.

You will undoubtedly debrief where there is a brew and all day breakfasts served!