What is advanced riding?

It is a deliberate, skilful and responsible riding technique admired by others. As an advanced rider, you are able to anticipate and control situations to reduce your accident risk. An advanced rider is equipped with the knowledge and skill to ride safely and effectively in all conditions.

Advanced riding is based upon the ‘system of motorcycle control’ as detailed in Motorcycle Roadcraft – The Police Riders Handbook. It is unlikely that anyone will gain a high grade without a good knowledge of Roadcraft and the current edition of The Highway Code.

Be that safer rider who is more confident and skilled in Roadcraft. The rider will be able to identify hazards earlier and therefore leave time for reaction and ensure their safety and that of other road users. The bonus for many riders is enhanced enjoyment from their motorcycle whether solo or carrying a pillion, as well as being more environmentally friendly in fuel costs savings. Need we say more.

Unlike car drivers who can rely on in-car protection in a crash, the only thing that really keeps us safe on two wheels is what’s between our ears, our knowledge, our skills and the attitudes we take with us out onto the road.

You may think that you are good but the really good rider is the one that admits that they can never afford to stop learning.

– Suzi Perry, 2007 (A statement still valid to this date)